Tuesday, February 5, 2013

%$$$ Quality X-10 Remote Controlled Chime SC546

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Review : X-10 Remote Controlled Chime SC546

Best Reviews X-10 Remote Controlled Chime SC546. Buy around the merchant 's on-line searching and browse testimonials. If you're attempting to find X-10 Remote Controlled Chime SC546 with the most efficient worth. This could be the most productive bargains for you personally. Where you may locate these item is by online seeking stores? Read the review on X-10 Remote Controlled Chime SC546 Now, it 's spacial worth. for that reason usually do not lose it.

X-10 Remote Controlled Chime SC546

Main Features : X-10 Remote Controlled Chime SC546

  • Instantly Add A Doorbell or Warning Chime Anywhere in Your Home
  • Simple plug in device
  • Place multiple units around your home
  • Responds to a single X10 On command
  • Simply plug the module into any standard wall outlet, set the house and unit codes, and the modules "sings out" with a pleasant "Ding-Dong Ding-Dong Ding-Ding" chime in response to any ON X10 signal. (NOTE: Module does not respond to OFF or ALL LIGHTS ON.). You can use it with an X10 Powerflash Module (#4060) connected to your existing doorbell and place remote doorbells anywhere in your home. It's ideal for use upstairs, in the garage, in the backyard or anywhere you can't hear your main doorbell. Place these modules throughout your home to create your own custom paging system. Use it with an X10 Motion Detector (#4080) to automatically signal you when someone approaches your home. Use it with an X10 timer or computer controller to wake you up in the morning or chime every hour, on the hour. Order your Chime Module today and discover the virtually unlimited ways you can use this neat X10 add-on.For a louder signaling alternative, see the #2010 Universal Module that can be set to beep 4 times in response to an ON signal(s).

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